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Easy jQuery and PHP Contact Form

  • News Tutorials
  • 2:25 reading time (ish)
  • 462 words

It’s finally here! After weeks of planning and days of coding and designing the Easy Contact Form is now available over at CodeCanyon for just $6! Crazy right?


Anyway, let me tell you a bit about it.

I always try my best to make the user experience as easy as possible. Lets face it, the majority of people are wired to be lazy. That’s a good and bad thing really – lazy people are good at finding shortcuts! So one way to make a users experience easy is by providing an contact form to use. Some users, like myself, prefer to just simply fill in a form and click send, rather than opening up my email software then copying the email address down then sending it.

My first thought was, “Lets see if there’s already something out there”. I didn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I found a lot of different contact forms online, some for free, some at a cost. However none of them seemed to provide me with the all the criteria features I was looking for:

  1. Secure (to an acceptable level)
  2. jQuery validation
  3. PHP validation
  4. HTML emails
  5. Easy to understand

So I gave up searching and began thinking of creating my very own despite the fact I’m more comfortable with HTML and CSS. Don’t get me wrong, I know my way around PHP and jQuery to a certain level, but this was a whole new challenge for me.

A few weeks later and after a lot of testing with help, the Easy Form was created. Currently the form is using a similar style to my own website and seems to be holding up nicely. Currently it has nine confirmed purchases with no reported issues so far!

So there we have it, a easy contact form that validates with jQuery for a pleasant user experience and with PHP validation for added security.

Main Features:

  • jQuery animation for validation rules (have a look on the Demo).
  • JavaScript validation so no page reload! Saves bandwidth.
  • PHP validation if the user has JavaScript disabled the form will still validate.
  • Field specific validation, phone requires numbers, email requires a valid email format etc.
  • Anti spam measures (captcha) to deter spam emails. Easy to read.
  • Very easy to implement into an existing HTML or PHP web page. ‘Plug in and Play’ – Simply change the email address and place on your page.
  • Thank you message animation on submission.
  • Error message animation without reloading the page on submission attempt.
  • Customise the HTML email message that is sent
  • User support where possible


  • PHP5
  • GD Library

To those who have helped, thank you for your help and support! To those who are looking for a contact form – You found it 😉

Try Easy Contact Form by clicking this link!
