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The New, Laura Power Photography!

  • Blog
  • 2:46 reading time (ish)
  • 526 words

It’s taken nine, none stop days to complete, but my latest project is officially complete! Laura Power’s fully responsive, Windows 8 inspired design has hints of the popular Flat UI style along with ‘live’ style widgets on the homepage, custom NextGen gallery and the ever so brilliant (in my opinion) contact form made by yours truly, check it out over at http://www.laurapower.co.uk

screenshot of laura power website

Laura is definitely creative, that shows in her photography skills. It doesn’t stop there though. Laura was full of brilliant ideas throughout the project for her website making my job all that much easier. It was expected really, Laura has been photographing weddings for over 7 years now and is definitely up to professional standards.

Armed with an impressive arsenal of cameras and lenses Laura using her own style of photography and quirky attitude to relax even the most stressed out of brides. That said I don’t think there’s anyone who hasn’t loved her work and who hasn’t gone on to recommend her to friends and family.

It was hard not to put all my time and effort into this one project to be honest, I admittedly found myself staying up to the early hours of the morning actually having fun styling hover statements, sad and pretty damn strange right? But that’s the thing, nearly everything went so well with this project it was difficult not to have fun.

screenshot of laura power website

Usually during client projects, a website will go through several stages: Discussion > Research> Planning  > Design > Development > Testing > Release. This particular project however, went through all these stages, more than once. Certain stages because either I would have an even better idea for a page or Laura would. Looking back at the first wire frame idea, I definitely think the end result is an improvement!

I don’t usually like to discuss particular issues with web designing, mainly because, who likes talking about what went wrong? There was one issue that I don’t mind sharing though, maybe I will remember it for next time? The problem… Bandwidth. Oh how I hate limits. Let me explain; Laura’s old website and now her new website has a lot of content, we’re talking over 30,000 files. Most of which are images from her old blog that has been going since 2011. It’s this large volume of content that caused problems towards the end. By the time it came to transferring her old Windows hosted database to the new Linux hosting and fixing broken paths etc – almost all her entire monthly bandwidth allowance was used up. Crazy!

screenshot of laura power website

It doesn’t stop there though, after transferring the database over with all the blog posts along with media file paths. The actual media files had to be uploaded to the new domain (30,000+ files!) Let’s just say, I’m glad I decided to transfer everything during the night.

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

That said, the testing has just been complete by myself, it’s now 1:20am on Wednesday. I think I deserve a good nights sleep! I have to admit, the website does look pretty good on mobile. Hope you enjoy it Laura!

Ah, the life of a web designer.