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Handheld Conference 2013

  • Blog
  • 1:49 reading time (ish)
  • 348 words

This might be a bit delayed, but I had to write about it!

Recently a few of us from Solent University drove to Wales to the Handheld Conference 2013 which was organised by Craig Lockwood and his partner Amy. The day had an absolutely jam-packed schedule full of great speakers from the industry. Speakers such as Jeffrey Zeldman, Mark Boulton, Andy Clarke, Jeremy Keith as well as Jon Hicks, Brendan Dawes, Syd Lawrence, Ling Valentine (I know right?!) and Eddie Machado.

They all covered a different subject like the Ten Commandments of Modern Web Design by Jeffrey Zeldman, through to How to call your client an idiot without getting fired by Andy Clarke. Syd Lawrence even had lasers! (although sadly his game didn’t work!)

andy clarke web design hand held conference 2013

It has to be said, the entire day was a superb experience. Everything that was said made complete sense and gave me so much inspiration. The only thing that really had me confused as well as in a state of laughter that nearly killed me was Ling Valentine, who was inside a BBC Dalek, getting pushed onto stage by Jon Hicks and Andy Clarke.

The day was split up by Bruce Lawson, who taught us HTML through what can only be described as the most catchy song ever, an eight and eleven year old reading a letter telling us what they expect from the industry, one stupidly strong gymnast balancing on sticks, a device lab, t shirts, shiny lasers and to finish the day, a Welsh choir.

Craig announced that this was the last Handheld event, which is a shame, although there was mention of future events under a different name, here is to hoping!

On behalf of Solent University and myself, I’d like to thank him and his partner Amy for putting on one great show and Shopify for funding students to learn from some of the greatest minds in the industry.

I’d also like to extend my thanks to Cover Up for letting everyone use their device test lab. It was amazing to see davidpottrell.co.uk working on so many different devices!

cover up device testing lab