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Featured in Web Designer Mag (214)

  • Blog News
  • 0:46 reading time (ish)
  • 147 words

Web Designer Mag David Pottrell Web Design

Apologies for the very delayed blog post, I’ve been settling into the new house and starting my third and final year of university so, as you can imagine, saying it’s been a bit chaotic is an understatement.

Anyway, some great news that people who follow me on Twitter and have Liked the Facebook page may already know; I’ve been featured in the Web Designer Mag issue 214 (19/09/2014)! I couldn’t be happier to be honest!

Granted, every month the guys and girls who work on this great web designing magazine pick three portfolio pieces to be shown inside the magazine. But the fact that my very own portfolio was selected is a fantastic feeling. In my mind it’s proof that I have improved over the years and that someone else has noticed and likes my work.

So thank you Web Designer Mag, you’ve made a web designer very happy.